Durga Vihar, Ward No 51,Sri Ganganagar -335001
Ph: +91154-3591212, Mob: +91-9352168937
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About Us

Achieving High Standards

Knowledge, like life is a cycle. It starts with a question for which you seek an answer. Next comes understanding the answer and analyzing it which then leads to necessary action or application. This in turn leads to another question and the cycle thus goes on and grows on. At J.M. Public School, children’s freedom is respected to enable them to blossom into well groomed individuals who can observe and assimilate knowledge through a process of self-discovery. The endeavour is to keep this flame of inquisitiveness burning in the child, so that the light of knowledge burns bright and shines on. The outcome of this noble exercise is that the students go on to make a mark in the world history and their success and glory transcends all geographical and universal frontiers.

Our Vision

Our vision is of a natural, holistic,student-centered learning environment that empowers and inspires our students to be creative, innovative, green leaders.

Our Mission

The Mission of Green School contributes to our Vision by educating young leaders in global citizenship. Our purpose is to champion a new model of learning that connects the timeless lessons from nature to a relevant and effective preparation for a fast-changing future.

Our Values

We believe in three simple rules underlying every decision:be local; let your environment be your guide; and envisage how your grandchildren will be affected by your actions. The eight Green School iRespect Values that guide us are: Integrity,Responsibility, Empathy, Sustainability, Peace, Equality, Community and Trust.

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Board / Govt. Apporval
School Blocks
  • Kindergarten
  • Primary(1st to 5th)
  • Secondary(6th to 10th)
Contact Us
  • J.M. Public Sec. School

    Durga Vihar, Ward No. 51,
    Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan 335001
    +91154-3591212, +91-9352168937